Classification process for ZFS partners selling in Switzerland
In this article you can find an overview of the information required for ZFS partners selling articles in the Swiss market (CH), specifically the classification and scanned weight processes.
What does classification mean?
Classification is the process whereby certain information needed to manage the customs process is assigned to a config SKU. Without this information, the articles cannot be made available to customers on Zalando’s CH website.
At Zalando, we do the classification for ZFS partners, if requested, and create the customs tariff numbers, according to the articles’ technical characteristics, via Zalando’s systems. Based on the tariff numbers, the customs duties for import are determined, as well as potential import and export restrictions and the documents required in each case.
In order for Zalando to be able to assign the correct tariff information without delay, detailed information on the composition of the goods, the materials used are to be provided by ZFS partners for the corresponding SKUs.
If you have any questions or would like further information about this classification method, please reach out to Partner Care here.
Important note:
Currently, the custom fields cannot be mapped in Zalando’s article onboarding process as they are not yet implemented in the feed. As a result, all customs attributes for all the onboarded articles need to be manually entered by you and sent to Zalando using the template attached to this article. This process is further explained below.
What article status codes appear for a failed classification?
Articles that fail the classification process can be identified in the zDirect Article Listing with the following status codes:
ZABLO_10 for articles missing the tariff number / weight information. To find out the exact reason why you’re seeing this status code, please contact Partner Care.
For missing tariff numbers, the responsibility lies on the Customs Classification team. Please be aware that tariff data can be assigned regardless of whether CoO information has been uploaded or not. These are two different processes, which do not impact each other.
For missing weight information, the responsibility lies on the warehouses, and it is used by Zalando’s customs operations export team to prepare customs documents and to make your article available in the Swiss market. Your article will remain blocked until the volume information is added. In this instance, partners are not required to take action but we strongly advise that you proactively check the Article Listing, as the updated article status will be visible there.
ZABLO_24 for articles missing the Country of Origin (CoO).
As of 1 July 2021, Country of Origin (CoO) information has become a mandatory requirement to sell articles in Switzerland (CH) via ZFS. With this new rule, articles without CoO information will be flagged with ZABLO_24 status code in the zDirect Article Listing.
How do I remove a ZABLO_24 status code?
You must send all relevant customs information for the articles with this status code to Zalando using the attached template: Article Data Fields_ZFS CH (as can be seen in the example below). This includes CoO and Preference (if applicable - for more details, please refer to the Required information section below).

Please send the completed file to Partner Care here.
Required information
The articles will only be online if all of these fields are correctly populated in Zalando’s customs systems:
Config Zalando SKU (mandatory): Please make sure to provide a unique Config SKU level (13-characters).
Country of Origin - CoO (mandatory): CoO must be in ISO 3166 Alpha 2 Code format in order to be processed.
Depending on your contractual agreement, you might provide the following information:
Customs tariff number EU (CTN)
Customs tariff description EU - in German
Customs tariff number CH
Customs tariff description CH
If changes are made to the articles (i.e. material composition, EAN/SKU) please flag the specific articles in the attached template: Article Data Fields_ZFS CH, and include a short description of the change in column ‘E’.
Why are my articles still blocked if customs attributes have been assigned/provided?
If your article remains offline it could be due to other blockers or issues in the onboarding process. Therefore, we advise you to proactively check your article statuses in the zDirect Article Listing.
If you have any further questions or need assistance, please reach out to Partner Care.
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Please make sure you use the correct code, as otherwise the CoO information provided by you might be suspicious which would lead to additional effort. By way of illustration, the correct ISO Alpha 2 code for goods with their origin in Romania is not RU (Russia), but RO.