Fix status codes
Understand and fix article errors, and issues such as blocked or rejected articles, SKU problems, and common article status codes.
Premium/Designer article status codes
Here you will find descriptions of all premium/designer article status codes, as well as a glossary of image terms used by Zalando.
Common PSERR article status rejections and how to resolve them
Here you’ll learn how to resolve some common automated article rejection codes (PSERR) related to wrongly mapped article data.
Common material rejections and how to fix them
Here you will find common material rejections (ACSREJ and PSERR) and actionable solutions to resolve them
Correcting rejected articles in the Article Creation UI
Here you'll find the step-by-step process for fixing any issues when your articles were created on zDirect.
Article rejections related to image quality and compliance
Here you'll find guidance on how to solve common rejections due to Image quality and compliance
Correcting rejected articles in the Article listing
Rejected articles needing partner feedback show a Rejected status in your Article Listing. Here are the steps needed to resolve it.
How to remove a PSERR_133 status code
This article outlines the steps you can take to remove a PSERR_133 article status code.
Premium/Designer article status codes
Here you will find descriptions of all premium/designer article status codes, as well as a glossary of image terms used by Zalando.
How to merge your SKUs
An SKU merge refers to when EANs get rebooked from one SKU to another. This can be a size move, a colour move, adding a size, assigning an EAN or correcting an EAN mismatch (i.e. reassignment.)
What is a re-import and how do I request one?
In order to request a re-import of your rejected articles in the article onboarding process, please follow the guidelines in this article
PSERR rejections related to the master data document
Find here how to resolve common PSERR rejections related to your master data document, such as invalid article season.
How to remove a ZABLO_07 status code
Here you'll find the steps needed to remove a ZABLO_07 article status code.
Classification process for ZFS partners selling in Switzerland
In this article you can find an overview of the information required for ZFS partners selling articles in the Swiss market (CH), specifically the classification and scanned weight processes.
How to onboard blocked or rejected articles
This article will give you step by step guidance of how to address certain article status codes that block or reject your articles in the onboarding process.
Overview of not allowed assortment
This article provides an overview of the prohibited assortment on Zalando and includes further information on the related rejection code ACSREJ_256.