Powered by ZEOS
Ship the way the locals want

Hassle-free shipping. On one contract.
Send your wrapped-and-ready parcels to one of our outbound centres. We’ll ship your packages quickly to customers across Europe, giving them the convenience options they want.
- 30localised delivery services
- 12markets
- 3.6Mshipments dispatched
- 4enabled integrators
No financial risks. Test and scale.
No big investment. No storage costs. Get the freedom to test new markets and product types without risk. Ship beauty. Keep your unique unboxing experience.
What makes shipping so good
Head up international. Without the headache
One contract lets you access our tried and tested last-mile delivery network. Our favourable carrier terms let you save up to 15% on transport costs.
Go further, faster. Once you’re live, expand to new Zalando markets in ~3 weeks.
Set yourself up for success by nailing local delivery and payment expectations.
Brand presentation stays in your hands
Stay in charge of your brand’s unboxing experience.
Delight and excite your customers.
Keep the flex. Nothing complex
Test out new markets or assortment types without big financial risks.
No baseline fees. Pay only when an order goes into our carrier network.
Keep stock in your own warehouse. Avoid high storage costs.
Our Benefits
You control returns
Average return rates are around 50%. It’s important to get it right.
Combine Shipping with our Returns Services to really supercharge your performance.
Returns Pure
Returns get consolidated into a single shipment that goes back to your warehouse. You keep fulfilling these items to the next customer.
Returns Plus
Returns are stored in our fulfilment centres, ready to be fulfilled by us for your next customer on Zalando. Never deal with returns in your warehouse again.
How It Works
How does Shipping work?
- 01Prepare and forward customer parcels to one of our outbound centres within 48 hours.
- 02Our team sorts and ships the order using our carrier network.
- 03Customers receive their orders in their local market quickly and conveniently.
- 04You decide how to manage customer returns.
How Boggi Milano boosted their sales by >87%
Learn how the Italian fashion brand optimized their logistics performance by combining our Shipping and Returns Plus solutions.
- >87%boost in the number of items sold
- >80%in net merchandise volume
- >10%saved in distribution costs