- Partner Program

Resolve customer issues
Learn about the role of Customer Care (CuCa) and how to resolve customer issues, including returns, refunds, reclamations and invoices, together.
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Introduction to Customer Care (CuCa)
An overview of Zalando's Customer Care (CuCa), the reasons why partners and CuCa might be in contact and how partners can communicate with CuCa.
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Customer Care FAQs - ZFS partners
For partners using ZFS, here are some frequently asked questions about common requests from customers through Zalando's CuCa
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Customer Care FAQs - Non-ZFS partners
For partners who do not use ZFS, here are some frequently asked questions about common requests from customers through Zalando's CuCa.
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Product recall process
The Zalando product recall process occurs when an article/SKU must be recalled due, but not limited, to safety issues and product defects.
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How to report incidents that affect customer orders
This article will help you understand the importance of proactively informing Zalando about any issues that might affect orders that a customer has placed and are fulfilled by a partner.