Attributes, images and silhouettes
Add article attributes, material information and images to your articles. You'll also see how to select the right silhouette for your articles.
Attributes and mapping
Upcoming changes to attributes requirements
From 25. March 2025, there will be some important changes to requirements for article attributes: find out more here.
New and updated article attributes
This article is updated on an ongoing basis to include all new, updated and deactivated attributes available when onboarding your articles to Zalando.
Material mapping guide
This article contains information about what materials are and are not allowed on Zalando when you're onboarding articles.
Zalando attribute requirements table
Find detailed information about the mandatory, mandatory if applicable, and optional attributes for each available silhouette.
Attributes: Updating attributes of existing articles
Sometimes certain attributes that are displayed to our customers in the PDP need to be updated after the article is live. Please follow the steps outlined in this article to do so.
Zalando article naming guidelines
This article will explain Zalando article naming guidelines.
Article mapping guide
In this guide, you will find important information about article mapping for the categories Textile, Shoes, Sports, Accessories, Beauty, Toys and Electronics.
Fit and Shape - article attributes
Here we outline the Fit and Shape attributes, and how to more accurately describe these details in your article descriptions.
Attribute: Special Description (SD)
The SD is a free text field that allows you to provide additional information that cannot be provided via attribute.
Material mapping guide
This article contains information about what materials are and are not allowed on Zalando when you're onboarding articles.
Zalando material naming standards
Here is a list of material abbreviations for reference to be used in your article submissions and updates. Please note that other variations of these names will not be accepted.
CE label guidelines, FAQs and how to fix related rejection codes.
Find out what articles need a CE label and how it must be displayed or shared.
Drawstring, cord and zip closure requirements - Kids textile
This article will help you understand the legal requirements for cord, drawstring and zip closures in kids' textiles. It also explains how to submit this information and resolve any related error status codes.
Sports article creation and tagging
Every article that is designed for a particular sports activity, (e.g. running, training, yoga, football, cycling or hiking) can be recognised as a Sports article on Zalando.
Polyurethane / Polyethylene
Here you'll find the allowances for polyurethane and polyethylene in articles onboarded to Zalando.
Sustainability communications policy and guidelines
We have updated the way that sustainability-related product information is named and displayed. Find out how this might impact your article onboarding here.
How to use colour labels for more inclusivity
This article offers insights into recognising bias in colour labels and provides guidance on substituting them with more inclusive alternatives.
Image requirements: Aspect ratio
In this article you will learn what aspect ratio is, why it is important and how to identify and adjust it, in order to comply to our image requirements.
Updating your article images
Sometimes Product Display Page (PDP) images will need to be updated after the article has gone online. In these cases, please use the Image Update template attached in this article to request changes.
Image and content guides
Find all of the guidelines for each product category to ensure you can follow the Zalando image requirements.
How to create URLs for zDirect
Here you can find instructions for creating URLs and uploading them in zDirect.
Silhouette guides - Introduction
Silhouette guide - Women
Silhouette guide for women's underwear, nightwear, hosiery and beachwear
Here are examples of silhouettes for women's underwear, nightwear, hosiery and beachwear.
Silhouette guide for women's shoes
Here are image examples of silhouettes for women's sandals, boots, sneakers etc.
Silhouette guide for women's textile
Here are image examples of silhouettes for women's t-shirts, pullovers, trousers etc.
Silhouette guide - Men
Silhouette guide for men's textile
Here you'll find image examples of silhouettes for men's t-shirts, pullovers, trousers, etc.
Silhouette Guide for men's shoes
Here are examples of silhouettes for men's footwear styles.
Silhouette guide for men's underwear, nightwear, hosiery and beachwear
Here are examples for silhouettes of men's underwear, nightwear, hosiery and beachwear.
Silhouette guides - Kids
Silhouette guide for kids' underwear, nightwear, hosiery and beachwear
Here are examples of silhouettes for kids' underwear, nightwear, hosiery and beachwear.
Silhouette guide for kids textile
Here are examples of silhouettes for kids' t-shirts, pullovers, trousers, etc.
Silhouette guide for kids' shoes
Here are image examples of silhouettes for kids' shoes.
Silhouette guide - Beauty
Silhouette guide - Sports and accessories
Silhouette guide for sports textile
Here you'll find image examples of silhouettes for sports textiles.
Silhouette guide for sports shoes
Here you'll find image examples for silhouettes of sports shoes.
Silhouette guide for sports accessories and equipment
Here you'll find product image examples that fall under the silhouettes for sports accessories and equipment.
Silhouette guide for sports underwear, hosiery and beachwear
Here you'll find examples of images for silhouettes for underwear, hosiery and beachwear.