Introduction to silhouette guides, related status codes and how to resolve them
Here is an overview of the categories of silhouette guides needed to onboard your articles to Zalando.
Knowing the available silhouettes at Zalando is essential to ensure smooth onboarding and compliance with our guidelines.
Below you'll find an overview of all of our silhouette guides, divided by category (textile, shoes, lingerie, sports, accessories, beauty). Within each guide, you can find details of the overall silhouette and examples of articles that fit within each silhouette.
It is divided into six categories:
You can find all information about the silhouettes here in the documentation if you click on one of the links in the table below:
Apparel | Shoes | Lingerie | Sports | Accessories | Beauty |
Kids underwear, nightwear, hosiery and beachwear
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It is mandatory to include a specific silhouette in order to onboard an article, otherwise the article is rejected. The main reasons why an article could be rejected because of its silhouette are:
ACSREJ_30: Silhouette does not match picture or article data
Action required:
If the images and content are correct, update the silhouette so that it matches with the images and content.
PSERR_101: Article silhouette not allowed
This error means the silhouette of the article is not included in your master data.
Check silhouette value: Verify that the correct silhouette value has been submitted. For example the correct silhouette value for a t-shirt is ‘t_shirt_top’. For more information on silhouettes please click here.
Review master data: If the silhouette value is correct the reason for the error but the error persists it could be that the silhouette is not included in your master data. You can check this in the Article Listing in zDirect by checking the available values in the filter option. Please contact Partner Care to have it included.

3. Re-submit article: After the silhouette has been added to your master data, submit the article again to resolve the rejection.