- Connected Retail

Resolve customer issues
Understand the role of Customer Care (CuCa) and how to resolve customer issues, including returns, refunds, reclamations, and invoices.
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Customer Care (CuCa): contact details and processes for partners
Here you’ll find all of the contact information and information for what to do when dealing with returns, deliveries and customer requests
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Customer Care FAQs
For partners who are using self-fulfillment, here are some frequently asked questions about common requests from customers through Zalando's CuCa
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Customer Care Spain
How to contact our Customer Care for customer-related topics.
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What is the Customer Care Case Order Rate (CuCa COR) KPI and how can you improve it?
In this article you’ll find some recommendations to evaluate and improve your performance on the Customer Care Case Order Rate (CuCa COR) KPI.