Polyurethane / Polyethylene

Here you'll find the allowances for polyurethane and polyethylene in articles onboarded to Zalando.

Updated May 17, 2024

In some of your material compositions, you may find Polyurethane or Polyethylene. There are important issues to take into consideration here:

  • Polyethylene and polyurethane are coating materials and not carrier materials.

  • Some categories are not liable to the TKVO, but even in these cases, the carrier material should be stated.

Please follow these rules:

Outer fabric material



- ≤99% polyurethane is allowed.

- 100% polyurethane is prohibited.

- 100% polyurethane as coating is allowed.

- ≤99% polyurethane is allowed.

- 100% polyurethane is prohibited.

- 100% polyurethane as coating is allowed.

100% polyurethane is allowed.