How to onboard blocked or rejected articles

This article will give you step by step guidance of how to address certain article status codes that block or reject your articles in the onboarding process.

Updated May 2, 2024

Complete and correct article information is key to ensuring fast and efficient article onboarding. We encourage all of our partners to send their most detailed and all mandatory article data during the initial onboarding of articles. However, it might happen that sometimes SKUs are missing or displaying wrong information, and are not able to get onboarded.

In this case, please use the article onboarding template attached at the side of this page to request onboarding/review for your article/s.

Using the article onboarding template ensures faster processing and streamlines communications between Zalando and our partners. After filling out the required information, please send your request to Partner Care for processing.

Please submit the article onboarding template (attached at the side of this article) to request the following, which you can check in the Article Listing in zDirect:

Review/Onboarding of your article/s in JETBL status

JETBL means JET Backlog. These articles are in on-site validation. If the article is still in JETBL seven days after creation, then the request of an exact status requested by article onboarding template would be valid.

Review/Onboarding of your article/s in JETPEN status

JETPEN means JET Pending. These items have passed the on-site validation and it was found that the mandatory information for further processing is missing. We suggest requesting the exact status by submitting the article onboarding template. To ensure fast clarification, please transmit the JETPEN status through the article onboarding template too.

Review/Onboarding of your article/s in JETREJ status

JETREJ means JET Reject. These items have passed the on-site validation and it was found that the mandatory technical information for further processing is missing. This can be caused through internal or external Transmission issues. We suggest requesting the exact status by submitting the article onboarding template. 

Other update requests that should be submitted using a specific template are:

  • Image updates

  • Attribute updates

  • SKU merge requests (i.e. the same article has two different SKUs)

Find out more

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