How to submit your EPR numbers in zDirect

Please follow the steps outlined below to submit your EPR numbers to Zalando.

What is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)?

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a type of regulation adopted by increasing numbers of European countries to track the environmental impact of manufacturers and retail companies selling in those markets. 

Marketplaces such as Zalando are now legally obliged to collect the EPR numbers granted by German, French and Spanish governmental institutions to manufacturers and retailers selling in those countries. Each country provides predefined product categories, e.g. textiles, packaging, toys. Zalando partners must register for the product categories that apply to them. You can find a list of the relevant product categories per country below:

What do partners need to do?

As a new or existing partner you must provide your EPR numbers to Zalando via your Business profile in zDirect. This information will also be required if you choose to expand into a new market in which it is mandatory to provide an EPR number. 

Good to know

This process applies to all partners selling in the French and German markets, regardless of fulfillment type. In keeping with the governmental regulations for those countries, the information Zalando is required to collect differs slightly. For the Spanish market, partners whose legal entity is outside of Spain but wish to sell, or  are selling in Spain, need to provide the EPR ID.

How to submit your EPR number(s)

1. Select the task in your Business Profile

When you get to zDirect, click the Apps icon () in the top right, then select Business Profile to see your Onboarding Dashboard where you can get started. Your first task about submitting your EPR details will depend on whether you are selling or planning to sell in Germany, France or Spain or combination of multiple markets.

From there, select Submit your EPR details. 

2. Select your supplier type 


This question will only appear for partners who are selling in France or plan to sell in France.

You must select one of the three listed supplier types when providing your EPR information for the French market.

  1. Are you a Wholesaler / Retailer that produces or imports goods into France?

  2. Are you a Wholesaler / Retailer that buys from other suppliers based in France?

  3. Are you a combination of the above?

The following questions will update automatically depending on what you answer here. But if at any point you want to change or edit an answer, you can go back.  

3. Add your EPR numbers for France


This field will only appear for partners who are selling in Germany or plan to sell in Germany.

Fill in your EPR numbers for each of the product categories that are relevant to you. 

Please include:

  • Identifiant Société: The company identifier used in the French registry, for example, a VAT ID.

  • UIN: This is your Unique ID number issued by the ADEME in France 

(l’Agence de la transition écologique - the French Agency for Ecological Transition) 


All of this information should match what was provided to register with the French Producer Responsibility Organizations, and can be validated here

If there is more than one supplier per product category, please add all EPR numbers applicable for that supplier/product category combination. Select Add Another Supplier in the bottom left hand corner of the Supplier EPR details page to do this.

If a product category doesn’t apply to you, select Not applicable.

To submit your information, click Save & Continue. Once it has been successfully submitted, your data will be automatically verified with the French Producer Responsibility Organization (SYDEREP) records. This may take up to 1 business day.

You can follow the progress of the validation via the status icons next to each EPR category field (e.g. textiles, packaging). They are:

  • INCOMPLETE: Required information is missing.  

  • PENDING: Your information is waiting to be validated against the registry’s records.

  • VALIDATED: The information has been validated against registry records.

  • ERROR: Your information doesn’t match the information the registry records. Please check & re-submit.

4. Add your EPR numbers for Germany


This field will only appear for partners who are selling in Germany or plan to sell in Germany.

Fill in your EPR numbers for each of the product categories that are relevant to you. 

Please include:

  • EPR Registration number: This is the name of your EPR number/s in Germany.

Important note: It is mandatory to confirm that you are enrolled in a packaging recycling system enrolment in Germany by checking the box.

If a product category doesn’t apply to you, select Not applicable. 

To submit your information, click Save & continue. Once it has been submitted successfully, your data will be automatically verified with the German Producer Responsibility Organization records. This may take up to 1 business day.

 You can follow the progress of this validation via status icons next to the EPR category fields (e.g. textiles, packaging), they are:

  • INCOMPLETE: Required information is missing.  

  • PENDING: Your information is waiting to be validated against the registry’s records.

  • VALIDATED: The information has been validated against registry records.

  • ERROR: Your information doesn’t match the information the registry records. Please check & re-submit.

Once all of your EPR information is successfully submitted and received by Zalando, a green check mark will appear beside the task. 

5. Add your EPR numbers for Spain


This field will only appear for partners who are selling in Spain or plan to sell in Spain, but their legal entity address is outside of Spain. 

All of this information should match what was provided to register with the Spanish Producer Responsibility Organisation

First, enter your company name, NIF and EPR ID

To submit your information, click Save & continue. Once it has been successfully submitted, your data will be automatically verified with the Spanish Producer Responsibility Organisation records. Please be aware that the data refresh can take up to 30 days, which is why our verification can take up to 35 days. 

You can follow the progress of the validation via the status icons.

They are:

  • INCOMPLETE: Required information is missing.  

  • PENDING: Your information is waiting to be validated against the registry’s records.

  • VALIDATED: The information has been validated against registry records.

  • ERROR: Your information doesn’t match the information the registry records. Please check and re-submit.

Once all of your EPR information is successfully submitted and received by Zalando, a green check mark will appear beside the task.


We advise checking with your Accounting and Legal teams first, as they have probably already applied to the relevant organisations in order to get the EPR numbers. 

If your Accounting and Legal teams don’t yet have the EPR numbers, please find further information about how you can apply for them in France here, Germany here and Spain here.

The EPR numbers are absolutely necessary for Zalando. While we’re aware there are some delays on the governmental side, we request that you provide the EPR numbers for all product categories applicable to you as soon as possible.

Please find further information about registering for your EPR numbers in France here, Germany here and Spain here.

As it stands, we’re not automatically blocking any partners, but this feature is planned for a later date. Partners can expect an email request and follow up communication reminding you to input the respective EPR numbers as soon as possible.

Please find the product categories covered by EPR regulations in France and Germany linked below: