Improve your representation with our inclusive messaging checklist

Make sure to be inclusive when describing products, brand home content and marketing campaigns. You can use this checklist as a tool to measure how inclusive your content is.

Updated August 22, 2024

At Zalando, we aim to be ‘Inclusive by design’ and want this principle to be represented not only in the assortment that we offer but also in the visual and written content we produce. This checklist is a way of sharing our best practices with you. You can use this checklist to create your campaign briefs, content for our website (product descriptions, brand home content etc.), marketing campaigns and more.

Who can benefit from this checklist?

Our Inclusive messaging checklist is for you if you are:

  • A partner selling your assortment on Zalando

  • A ZMS partner, creating campaigns with our teams

  • An external team or freelancer who works with Zalando

How can you use this checklist?

Inclusivity should never be reduced to a set of boxes to tick. However, you can use this checklist as a tool to measure how inclusive your content is. You might not tick every box but depending on the context and the need, the idea is to check off as many of the criteria on the list as possible. 

You can use this checklist to create your campaign briefs, content for our website (product descriptions, brand home content etc.), marketing campaigns and more.

Why is inclusive messaging important and what is this checklist based on?

When we set out to create more inclusive messaging and content at Zalando we asked ourselves: “How do we change the ways we produce content to create a more inclusive experience for all of our customers?”

That’s how we formulated our four guiding principles that guide our approach to content:

Our storytelling amplifies voices by ensuring the representation of intended identities and groups.

Everyone feels comfortable and confident in front of and behind the camera so that our content looks natural, welcoming, and effortless.

The actual customer experience is represented in our content – matching their expectations.

Our efforts are sustainable and allow everyone to feel represented throughout the year.

The inclusive messaging checklist

Genuine storytelling

Is our storytelling amplifying the intended voices? How can we ensure we are not taking space or silencing storytellers? 

  • Creative team, cast and crew represent a diversity of backgrounds, ages and abilities, ensuring we are representing (an) inclusive point(s) of view

  • We will collaborate or have collaborated with people from relevant communities on this project so they are able to tell their own stories in their own way

  • If this is not possible, we will consult with or have consulted people from the relevant community for our project

  • We have worked with the community to understand sensitive topics and pain points for the community whose story we are telling

  • We have worked with a member of the relevant group for our brief/script/content

  • If this is not possible, we have consulted with a member of the relevant group for our brief/script/content

  • Our storytelling avoids pinkwashing/greenwashing/dreamwashing or tokenism concerning the community or the people featured 


An example of washing is when one 'claims' (i.e. a statement referring to the environmental or broader sustainability impact) are made in a way that is false, misleading or can’t be verified, that’s pink-washing/green-washing/dream-washing. 

Comfortable and confident

Is our content and environment inclusive? How can we ensure everyone can be their authentic selves without the fear or stress of being discriminated against?

  • We are checking in regularly with our cast and crew to ensure that they are feeling comfortable on set

  • We are keeping an open mind and have processes for anyone who might come to us with an issue or a problem

  • We are constantly working with members of the community to ensure that our content is not insensitive or offensive in any manner

  • Our teams feel comfortable in this project (whether it is in front of a camera, behind one or during meetings)

  • Our content looks natural and effortless, the talents look comfortable and the content overall doesn’t make the viewer or the creators uncomfortable

Authentic customer experience

Is our output in line with our customer experience? How can we ensure our target customers will have their expectations met (i.e. representation linked to our assortment)?

  • Our storytelling highlights more inclusive products

  • Our casting direction and booking include diverse representation 

  • Our storytelling matches our customer experience

  • Our products match our customers and their needs

  • Our user experience is inclusive and safe for everyone

Representation 365

Is our input sustainable? How can we ensure continuous representation (i.e. all year round)? 

  • Everyone has a chance to feel represented in our content

  • Our representation is visible all year round and not limited to special events like Black History Month, Pride Month etc.

  • Our efforts are sustainable for ourselves and our partners and do not feel like an obligation