Logistics DK and Bring

We provide here the information to open new branches and customers with Bring.

Updated June 13, 2024


Please note that the information on this page is applicable for Denmark only.

Opening of new branches and new customers

If you have an existing contract with Bring: Please provide this information in the factsheet. 

Request in-store pick-up

Can I take my parcels to the post office myself?

Yes you can. But normally the agreement includes pickup. If you want to deliver all your parcels to parcel shops, you can find the closest Bring parcelshop by visiting this page, choosing “Pakkeshop" and adding your postal code.

Can you also deliver abroad?

This option is currently not available.

Request sporadic pick-up

If there are any issues with regular pick-up more parcels than usual or the store has gone live before setting the regular pick-up, you can book sporadic pick up as follows:

Denmark Additional / Sporadic pick-ups    

Sporadic Pickup service in Denmark.

Sporadic pickup can be used mainly in 2 cases: whether the store has much more parcels than normal daily amount (for ex. they have 5 parcels/day but then they will have 30 or 40 parcels so they can be sure that all parcels can be picked up) or the store went live but still the daily pickup was not arranged by you then they can order this sporadic pickup until the daily pickup is in place.

Direct booking must be happen by calling +45 70286081 or emailing pickup.dk@bring.com

Same day pickup if request is provided before 10:00 am

Store needs to provide the following information to Bring DK:

  • Store name

  • Store address

  • Outbound customer number

  • Number of parcels to be picked up.

Find out more

To further your understanding, check out these related articles.