How Sponsored Products can help you grow with the ZMS Ad Manager

Get to know the ad format that can help you grow your visibility and sales.

Updated May 27, 2024

What are Sponsored products ads?

Sponsored products is one of Zalando’s ad formats. Your products will appear tagged with Sponsored across a number of touchpoints on Zalando’s app and website.

You can use Sponsored products to showcase your assortment to more customers and to boost your sales.

Placement of your ads

Your ads will appear on Zalando’s catalogue pages and in other article-focused touchpoints, like Product Details Pages (PDP).

How your ads’ placement is determined:

There are four factors that determine where your ads will appear:

  • Stock levels of each article, including the availability of different sizes

  • Campaign budget

  • Projected click rate

  • Projected rate at which customers will buy your promoted articles

Number of articles per catalogue page:

How many of your articles your customers will see depends on whether they’re browsing on Zalando’s app or website.

The table below outlines the specifics for the app and the website:

How many rows are available for Sponsored Products per page, which rows your articles appear in, and how many articles are shown per row.

Rows available for Sponsored Products per page

Where your articles appear

Articles per row



Rows 1, 4, 8, and 12




Rows 1, 6, and 12


These are the standard layouts across most countries, where Zalando is currently active.