ZFS Shipping notice request - process overview
This article explains the shipping notice process step by step. You'll also find a process map and useful FAQs here.
This article explains the shipping notice process step by step. Below you will find the process map and some useful FAQs.

Before submitting the Shipping Notice Request, please check the Get Ready To Ship Checklist
Submitting your Shipping Notice request
To advise us of your planned inbound articles and quantities by requesting a delivery date and a warehouse in advance for your delivery.
Shipping Notice requests must be submitted at least five working days prior to the earliest requested delivery date.

Submit your Shipping Notice requests fast and easily via the zDirect Shipping Notice Tool.
After submitting your Shipping Notice request
Once you submit your request, a confirmation will appear immediately if the delivery date request and warehouse have been confirmed.
Important notes:
Some requests might not be confirmed immediately. In such cases, you will be able to track updates or request confirmations via zDirect: navigate to the Fulfillment module, then click on Shipping notice requests. You will receive an email once the requested delivery date and warehouse have been confirmed later that day
Your confirmed warehouse might differ from your requested location to allow for the quickest possible confirmation of your request.
Preparation of shipment
For palletized and hanging goods deliveries, it's mandatory to book a Mercareon time slot to announce the shipment. As soon as your delivery has been confirmed, your carrier may be able to activate the booking in Mercareon and book a suitable time slot.
Please inform your carrier about the Shipping Notice ID, delivery date, warehouse, updated final amount of pallets, boxes, and hanging goods.
Please note that any mismatch between the delivered quantities and the ones stated in the Mercareon booking can lead to a delivery rejection.
Please inform your carrier about the Shipping Notice ID, delivery date, warehouse, updated final amount of pallets, boxes, and hanging goods.
Please note that any mismatch between the delivered quantities and the ones stated in the Mercareon booking can lead to a delivery rejection.
Confirm dispatch
Why and when?
It’s crucial that you confirm the dispatch at least 24 hours before the shipment date to ensure your delivery doesn’t get rejected at the warehouse.
Not providing the final quantities (the list of EANs and quantities per EAN in a CSV file) or any mismatch between the delivered quantities and the ones stated in the Mercareon booking can lead to a delivery rejection.
For all delivery types (palletized and parcel deliveries), once the status changes to Final quantities needed, please confirm the final dispatch via the zDirect Shipping Notice Tool by uploading the CSV file of your dispatched items list of EANs and quantities.
If your announced quantities are the same as your final quantities, please select Use announced file. Please only select this option if the announced file exactly matches the articles and quantities that were loaded in the shipment.
Please note that we no longer require the submission of final box or pallet counts in either zDirect or ZPU:
For palletized deliveries, this information must be provided to your carrier who will submit the information directly in the Mercareon system.
For parcel shipments, we will validate the parcel count at the time of arrival. Please remember that parcel shipments may not exceed ten parcels/boxes.