Article onboarding and management

This is an introductory article about the key details included in the overall article onboarding process.

Updated May 14, 2024

Article selection

Partners can onboard as many SKUs as you wish with no threshold or limits as long as you have the legal right to sell them and they are in accordance with Zalando’s ethical standards. You can add, modify and remove the current items at any given time. All of your articles displayed online should always be available and in stock. They can be tagged as either never-out-of-stock (NOS) articles or part of the current season. You have the possibility to either backfill already-existing assortment (overlapping), or create additional assortment (incremental).

Article ownership 

As a partner, you remain the owner of the article until the order is handed over to the customer. Should the customer return the article, the article ownership will also be returned to you.

Article pricing 

How do I set and/or adjust my prices?

Via Integrator

Prices can be set and adjusted in the database of your chosen integration provider, eg. Tradebyte. Please note that it typically takes a few hours for  valid1. price updates to become visible on Zalando, depending on the export frequency of the integrator. Please also remember to upload prices in the local currency for each market. 

Via zDirect API

You can also choose to integrate with Zalando directly. In that case, prices can be adjusted by integrating with the Zalando Price API and the Price Reporting API. It typically takes less than one hour for your valid* prices or price updates to become visible on Zalando. Please also remember to upload prices in the local currency for each market. 

Via zDirect User Interface

The third option is to connect with Zalando without APIs and adjust prices in the zDirect Price Management User Interface. This feature is only available to Direct Integration partners. It typically takes less than one hour for your valid1. price updates to become visible on Zalando. Please also remember to upload prices in the local currency for each market. 

How should I price my articles on Zalando?

Setting prices can only be done by you, the partner. Please be aware that Zalando can provide neither guidance nor hints as this is strictly prohibited by antitrust law. This also concerns the topic of discounts. You are therefore fully free to determine the prices and discounts that you consider feasible.


You remain free in the pricing and discounting of your products and may remove articles from the dedicated section at any time. In order to avoid misleading prices, please make sure that discounted prices refer to a compliant reference price.

To retain customer trust, Zalando will penalise the setting of prices higher than the reference price.

When are my price changes visible in the Zalando shop?

Via Integrator

Prices can be adjusted in the database of your chosen integration provider, eg. Tradebyte. Please note that it typically takes a few hours for valid* price updates to become visible on Zalando depending on the export frequency of the integrator. Please note that it typically takes 24 hours for updated prices to become visible on Zalando as part of the nightly export.

Via zDirect API and User Interface

It typically takes less than one hour for your valid1. price updates to become visible on Zalando.

Article content

You provide the associated content for selected articles, using your own models to showcase your brand identity whilst aligning with the Zalando image requirements. You will also provide the article description, including colour, materials, and sizing information. Please find more information about which article attributes are mandatory here.

  • 1.

    Zalando validates all price updates and may blocks prices to mitigate the risk of price mistakes. Please see this article for more information.

Find out more

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