Integration options

There are several different integration options available to you when joining Parter Program. Here you'll find an overview of them.

Updated May 31, 2024

How to integrate your articles with Zalando

Integration is the process whereby you connect technically with Zalando, allowing you to create articles, set prices, provide stock amounts, and manage and fulfil your orders.

Connection to Zalando's platform can be done via any of the following options:

zDirect User Interface (UI):

  • You can onboard and manage your articles and prices via zDirect User Interface (UI). This setup doesn’t require technical knowledge and is fully overseen by you as a partner at no additional cost from Zalando. Learn more about it here.

  • Onboarding your articles via zDirect UI is currently only available to partners using Zalando Fulfilment Services (ZFS). This can mean either onboarding to Zalando for the first time using ZFS in all of your chosen markets, or it can mean expanding into a new market in which ZFS is the only available fulfilment method. If you are using it for a market expansion then the fulfilment method you’re using in any markets you’re already live in has no impact.


  • You can choose to use a third-party integrator who has already established a connection to the Zalando platform. The integrator will provide you with an interface for you to manage your stock and orders. The technical connection and contractual negotiation with the integrator will be done solely by you as a partner.

  • Our preferred integrator is Tradebyte, with whom we have developed a strong working relationship over more than ten years of collaboration. Tradebyte offers our partners full coverage of all active Partner Program markets and services. They also gain access to new Zalando markets and services ahead of other integrators.

Service provider:

  • You can choose to use an e-commerce service provider who has already established a connection to the Zalando platform.

  • Aside from integration to the Zalando platform, a service provider can provide full support on logistics, content creation support, account management and additional services. The contractual negotiation with the service provider will be done solely by you, as a partner, and you won't be required to sign an additional separate contract with Zalando.