Cash on Delivery (CoD) with ZSS

With Cash on Delivery (CoD), your customers have the option to pay for their order upon its delivery.

Updated June 19, 2024

What is Cash on Delivery (CoD)?

With Cash on Delivery (CoD), your customers have the option to pay for their order upon its delivery. CoD is currently available in Italy, Czech Republic, Poland, and being rolled-out in Spain, for all orders fulfilled with Zalando Shipping Solutions (ZSS). 

This payment option is considered to be of high local relevance and demand in these four markets and is the key to unlocking their full potential. Continue reading to learn how CoD will support you to build a flawless, locally relevant experience for your customers in these markets.

How do you benefit from CoD?

  • Unlock new demand: You reach new customers, who don't want to, or are unable to pay using card- or bank transfers

  • Build trust: Some customers feel more secure when given the option to pay on delivery

  • Improved conversion: Our research shows baskets with CoD available as a payment option enjoy a higher checkout completion rate.

How do your customers benefit from CoD?

  • Flawless choice: CoD is the preferred payment method for many consumers in Italy, Czech Republic, Poland, and Spain

  • Order securely: With the option to pay upon delivery, the perceived risk of ordering online is lower for customers.

  • No additional fees: Whereas some e-commerce companies charge an additional fee for CoD, your customers can make use of this payment option free of charge on Zalando.

Your next steps 

Interested in expanding to Italy, Czech Republic, Poland or Spain with ZSS? Here are your next steps:

  • If you are already using ZSS in one or more markets, then kick-start the expansion process by reaching out  via the contact form. Select Internationalization > ZSS to get in touch with our team!

  • If you are already leveraging one or more of Zalando’s Logistics Services, but are not yet using ZSS, please reach out to your known point of contact, or via the contact form. Select Internationalization > ZSS to get in touch with our team!

  • If you are not yet leveraging any of Zalando’s Logistics Services, please send an email to to set up a call with our Sales Team and get introduced to ZSS.

In case you have any questions or remarks, please reach out to your known point of contact, or via the contact form. Select Internationalization > ZSS to get in touch with our team!