Introduction to Zalando Shipping Solutions (ZSS)

Zalando Shipping Solutions (ZSS) is our value-added shipping service for our partners in Zalando’s Partner Program.

Updated June 10, 2024

What is Zalando Shipping Solutions (ZSS)?

Zalando Shipping Solutions (ZSS) is our value-added shipping service for our partners in Zalando’s Partner Program. It is now available to all of our partners in AT, BE, DE, DK, FI, FR, NL, SE, IT, PL, and CZ regardless of your method of integration.

ZSS enables partners to grow internationally and deliver on customer promises by leveraging Zalando’s transport infrastructure.

What are the benefits of ZSS?

ZSS can help you expand with a single contract in multiple markets, and avoid setting up with a range of different service providers. You can choose to connect to ZSS through a third-party integrator, such as Tradebyte or ChannelAdvisor, or via zDirect API integration for partners who have already integrated using this method. (Please note that zDirect API integration is not available to new partners.)

Additionally, you can:

  • Choose a preferred injection mode: “mother parcel”, loose loading, or palletized loading. 

  • Keep your inventory in your own warehouse and only ship upon customer order.

  • Retain your own branding and packaging while selling on the Zalando platform.

  • Receive consolidated returns directly to your warehouse. 

Injection options from your warehouse to the OPSC \ ZSS Hub

How does ZSS work?

When joining Partner Program, there are different integration options that you can choose from.

Depending on which integration option you decide upon, when an order is placed, you are notified by the API or by your integrator and will receive the shipping documents. You then need to fulfill and deliver the labeled shipments to Zalando’s Outbound Parcel Sorting Center (OPSC) in Hamburg, Germany, within 48 hours of receiving the shipping label. Once they are received in the OPSC, ZSS sorts the parcels and forwards them to the carrier network hub for delivery. 

The entire shipping is managed by Zalando and executed by Zalando’s trusted carriers in each market.


While using ZSS you’ll remain the owner of the articles throughout the whole process. 

Get in touch

If you have any questions or want to find out more about how ZSS is the right solution for you, please get in touch:

  • If you are new to Zalando please reach out to the ZSS Sales team here.

  • If you are an existing partner, please reach out to Partner Care here (select category: Interested in one of our services? and request type: Interested in ZSS).

In the Download section you can read further information about ZSS, answer some FAQs and discover more about how it can benefit you.  

Find out more

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