Zalando Logistics Solutions - an overview
Here you'll discover each of the logistics solutions available with Zalando, how they work and what their benefits are.
Zalando Logistics Solutions
As a Partner Program partner, it is required that you select a method to dispatch each of your customer’s orders. You can choose one, or a combination, of the logistics solutions outlined below to manage your warehousing, shipments, and returns. Alternatively, you can choose to leverage your own fulfillment and ship directly to our shared customer from your European warehouse using your own logistics.
Important note
If you are already selling on Zalando and decide to change your fulfillment method, please let us know via the contact form. Please select topic: Customer experience model and request type: Change of delivery and/or return carrier.
1. ZEOS Fulfilment
ZEOS Fulfilment, previously Multichannel Fulfilment (MCF), is an end-to-end logistics solution tailored to fashion and lifestyle, that enables you to fulfill all your customer orders from one stock pool — across any sales channel, in any market. With ZEOS Fulfillment, you can reach millions of customers across Europe, via Zalando and all other major European marketplaces, as well as your own ecommerce website. We leverage Zalando’s pan-European network to help you scale your capacity and ensure a truly localized outbound and returns process in each market. All on one logistics contract, reducing your costs across the board.
How does ZEOS Fulfilment work?
Deliver your stock to one of our fulfilment centres.
We provide you with a single-interface overview of your assortment availability.
When a customer places an order via their preferred sales channel, we fulfil it in line with channel-specific delivery requirements.
Returns are processed in our nearest return centre and stored in one of our fulfilment centres, from which they’ll be shipped out upon the next customer order.

ZEOS Fulfilment benefits
Serve European marketplaces and your own e-commerce website from one stock pool with one carrier integration.
Provide localised customer experience all over Europe — on one logistics contract.
Turn your CAPEX into OPEX, and flexibly test new markets and channels before committing to further expansion.
Scale your capacity up or down based on seasonality and consumer demand, with no fixed inbound commitments.
Make returns work for you — reduce processing costs and get articles back online quickly, securing a fast resell.
Find more information on ZEOS Fulfilment below:
2. Zalando Fulfilment Solutions (ZFS)
Zalando Fulfilment Solutions (ZFS) is our end-to-end logistics solutions, where we manage all your customer orders and returns on the Zalando Fashion Store. Simply ship your stock to one of our Zalando warehouses, and we take care of the rest, while both you and your customers benefit from maximum convenience.
How does Zalando Fulfilment Solutions (ZFS) work?
Deliver your goods to the Zalando warehouse.
When a customer orders on Zalando, we pick and pack your and Zalando articles into one parcel.
We send the parcel to the customer via our European logistics network.
Important note
Make sure you have a valid EU address for returning damaged products, end of season articles and recalling assortment to your warehouse. This also helps us to ensure that your goods have already been custom cleared before arriving at the Zalando warehouse.

Please note that as a ZFS partner, you will retain full ownership and control over your stock.
Zalando Fulfilment Solutions (ZFS) benefits
Save up to 25% on your shipping costs with our "one-box" solution
Overcome warehouse capacity restrictions
We manage your returns
Expand to Zalando markets quickly and easily
Increase convenience and customer satisfaction by ensuring your customers receive their multi-brand order in one box
You will automatically have a better Customer experience model (CXM) performance. The CXM is a tool we use to monitor and steer your performance as a partner with several KPIs related to logistics. It guarantees your product’s visibility is never negatively impacted by logistics performances that are below Zalando’s standards.
Currently ZFS is not available for the Toys, Beauty and Electronics categories.
For partners selling in the Czech Republic: Jewellery and articles containing precious metals and / or precious stones are not handled by ZFS at this time.
Find more information on Zalando Fulfillment Solutions (ZFS) below:
3. Zalando Shipping Solutions (ZSS)
Zalando Shipping Solutions is a fast, seamless and pan-European shipping service. It enables you to grow your business by leveraging Zalando's transport and carrier infrastructure while retaining control over your brand and fulfillment processes. Ship customer-ready parcels to our central facility and we’ll provide quick, last-mile delivery to your customers across Europe.
How does Zalando Shipping Solutions (ZSS) work?
Customer places an order.
You receive order fulfillment data, shipping labels and all other required shipping documents (delivery slips, returns instructions and labels, etc.) via the integration interface of your choice.
You deliver the labeled, consumer-ready parcels to Zalando’s Outbound Parcel Sorting Center (OPSC) in Hamburg, Germany, within 48 hours of receiving the shipping label.
Once the shipments are received in the OPSC, Zalando sorts the parcels, and forwards them to the carrier network hub for last-mile delivery.
The entire shipping process is managed by Zalando and executed by Zalando’s trusted carriers in each market.

Zalando Shipping Solutions (ZSS) benefits
Save up to 15% on transport costs
Keep your stock in your own warehouse and ship upon customer orders
Expand to Zalando markets quickly and easily
Ensure customers get fast delivery
Keep your own parcel branding while selling at Zalando
Find more information on Zalando Shipping Solutions (ZSS) below:
4. Zalando Return Solutions (ZRS)
Zalando Return Solutions (ZRS) is our return service for Zalando’s Partner Program partners. We handle your returns, while you benefit from reduced costs and your customers enjoy a frictionless shopping experience.
How does Zalando Return Solutions (ZRS) work?
The customer uses one single box and return label for all return articles.
All returned articles are sent to one of Zalando’s return centres where articles are received, inspected and repackaged.
We consolidate the received returns and set items online for resale. They become ZFS ready and we ship your next orders automatically.

Zalando Return Solutions (ZRS) benefits
Save up to 25% on logistics costs
Forget about customer returns, we will take care of it
Ensure customers get fast reimbursement
Complete next order shipment by Zalando through ZFS
Get your stock back online quickly
Find more information on Zalando Return Solutions (ZRS) below:
5. Own Logistics
Via your own logistics, you as a partner will manage your stock and shipments from your warehouse. In order to ship from your own warehouse, you must:
Align with the SLAs per market as outlined in Zalando’s Platform rules
Sign agreements with logistics providers and importation providers to have access to the relevant markets. The list of approved last mile carriers can be found here.
Include a delivery note, a return note, return instructions, and pre-paid return label in each parcel. Find out more about the delivery documentation requirements.
Make sure you have a valid EU address for returns and recalling assortment to your warehous
Meet Zalando’s order Quality Assurance requirements.
Find out more about leveraging your own logistics network below: