Logistics and PostNL
How to connect your business to Zalando Connected Retail through a contract with PostNL.
Please note that the information on this page is applicable for the Netherlands only.
Getting started: PostNL account and Mijn Portal
To connect your business to Zalando Connected Retail, you need a contract with PostNL as logistics service provider. There may be a few things you need to do. Below, we will explain how you can quickly start working with Zalando Connected Retail.
Are you a customer of PostNL already?
Follow steps 1 to 3 below.
Not yet a customer?
You must first register here. Once you have registered, you will receive an email that will activate your MijnPostNL account. The only thing left to do is entering your payment details in MijnPostNL. Then you’re ready to follow steps 1 to 3.
Step 1 - Let PostNL know that you want to use Zalando Connected Retail
Send an email to business@postnl.nl with the heading ‘Zalando Connected Retail’. What to include in your email:
Customer and Chamber of Commerce number
Contact details
Quantities of parcels that you expect to send via Zalando Connected Retail per year. By this, we mean the volume (over and above your current volume) that you expect to send via Zalando Connected Retail.
PostNL will arrange a customer number and 2 customer codes for you. You will receive an email confirmation for this request. After 7 days, you can start on step 2.
Step 2 - Request an API key and PO Box
Once you have access to MijnPostNL, you can immediately request a PO box. Seven days after your registration, you can request an API key. This gives PostNL time to process your customer codes correctly. Take the following action in MijnPostNL:
a. Request a PO box for each store that is taking part in Zalando Connected Retail . You can do that here.
b. Request an API key for your customer number from Zalando Connected Retail, 7 days after registration. Find out how to do this here. Once you have submitted the request, it takes around 5 minutes to process.
Step 3 - Share your details with Zalando
Once your API key request has been processed, share your details with Zalando. Complete the form that you have received from Zalando with the details below. You can find these under the tab ‘API key beheer’ (API key management) in MijnPostNL:
API key for Zalando Connected Retail
Customer number for Zalando Connected Retail
Your two customer codes linked to Zalando Connected Retail
PO box and address for each store.
Request in-store collections
Can I take my parcels to the post office myself?
In general, parcels can be dropped off to one of the 3000 package points distributed everywhere in the Netherlands. Please find here the location finder. Parcels can also be taken to the post office - the labels can also be scanned there. This is relevant if the regular collection is not sufficient due to a promotion (e.g. Black Friday).
Can you also deliver abroad?
Not yet, but Connected Retail is already working on a solution.
Which are the main PostNL credentials?
The main PostNL credentials are:
Customer number for Zalando Connected Retail (Klantnummer)
The customer number is the identifier for your contract with PostNL but can not be used for Connected Retail. For Connected Retail you will receive an extra customer number (Klantnummer).
API production key (API productie sleutel)
Please request the production key in MijnPostNL on the customer number for Zalando Connected Retail. The key looks like this: AB78hDggW27tWzftG1wkMZckpQAHW6
Customer codes
The customer codes are used to identify your shipments and will be partially visible on your outbound and return labels. You will receive one customer code for outbound and one customer code for return shipments. The customer codes will identify the products you are using and allow PostNL to invoice you.
Customer code 1 (Pakketten voormelden klantcode)
Customer code 2 (Pakketten voormelden klantcode)
PostNL customer code contains four letters, for example: ABCD
Business reply number (Antwoordnummer)
The business reply number can be requested in MijnPostNL. It is used to send returns and is unique for each store. For example: Antwoordnummer 12345
Zip code
Zip code corresponding to business reply number (Antwoordnummer).
How long do I have to wait for the customer number from PostNL?
The mentioned identifiers above will all be provided by your PostNL sales representative, after you have signed the contract. It will take approximately five working days until you receive those details. Please call the sales representative directly or send them an email, if you don't get any feedback after five days.
Who should I contact if the credentials are wrong?
Please contact your PostNL sales representative, specifically mentioning that you are collaborating with Connected Retail.
I have received a template from the ZCR Integration Team and filled out everything - and now?
Please fill in the columns and send the template back to cr-integration@zalando.de. With the provided data our Integration Team can create and approve your PostNL labels.