Order Quality Assurance (QA) requirements explained
Here you'll find the Order QA requirements with more details and examples.
In Q1 2024, Zalando rolled out quality checks by means of test orders for Connected Retail partners in order to review their ongoing compliance with the established Order Quality Assurance requirements.
This article will provide answers to frequently asked questions concerning each of the Order Quality Assurance requirements.
The following information should enable Connected Retail partners to get support more quickly and independently to any question about these requirements. They are listed according to which of the Order Quality Assurance requirements they relate to.
Please find all these frequently asked questions and answers listed below.
1. Return label must be present and correct
For Connected Retail, this order quality requirement is limited to parameters that lie within the partner’s sphere of control. Since preparation and provision of carrier labels is facilitated by Zalando or an affiliated company, the requirements in relation to return labels are limited to the undamaged, clean and proper presence of these return labels in the parcel.
Please use only return labels provided to you via Connected Retail Tool. Please print the return labels on the right format size so that all information is printed completely. Please enable a high printing quality so that all information is well readable.
1.1. Why is it mandatory to include a physical return label in the parcels? Can I send the return labels via email?
Zalando promises its customers an easy return process and handling. For this purpose, a physical return label should be always included in the parcel, as sending return labels via email generates more effort for the customer, i. e. having access to emails, to print a label, to cut it out, etc. Having a return label included in the parcel ensures more convenience for customers.
1.2. Are self-adhesive return labels mandatory?
No, it is not mandatory to provide self-adhesive labels. However, we highly recommend that you do so in order to avoid additional effort for the customer, i. e. having adhesive tapes and scissors at hand. Self-adhesive labels highly increase customer convenience by making the return process easier.
1.3. Can Zalando customers register the return online and print out the return label independently?
Customers who have ordered from a partner using Zalando Return Solutions (ZRS) may print out the return label online. However even when using ZRS, it is still mandatory for you to include a physical return label in the parcel.
2. Outer packaging must be a cardboard box (i. e. not a plastic or a paper bag)
2.1. Which articles must be shipped in an outer cardboard box?
The following articles which are fragile or can easily be damaged / broken / deformed during transport, must be shipped in an outer cardboard box:
Hats / caps, glasses, watches, jewelry, hanging garments, beauty articles and multiple shoes in shoeboxes.
These articles are not allowed to be shipped in an outer plastic or paper bag in order to prevent damages during transport and to ensure that articles arrive in a good condition.
All other articles can be shipped in an outer plastic/paper bag.
3. Price on the hang tag must be in line with the Zalando shop price and the delivery documents
3.1. Why is it necessary to provide consistency of pricing information (across site, documentation and hangtag)?
Inconsistency in pricing information will cause insecurity for the customer, because customers will not be sure which amount needs to be paid. It can generate Customer Care contacts and complaints, especially if the price to be paid is higher than price information displayed, for example on the hang tag.
3.2. Is it mandatory to print and update prices on the article hang tags?
It is not mandatory to print prices on article hang tags. However, if you decide to print and display the price on your article hang tags, it must be consistent with the Zalando shop price and your delivery document included in the parcel.
3.3. What happens if prices are reduced? Do I need to update the article hang tags to ensure compliance with this requirement?
No, it is not mandatory to update the hang tag prices in case of reductions during Sales events.
4. Customer name and address must be printed correctly and completely (including c/o information
4.1. Why is the c/o information important?
Generally speaking, all address information provided by customers and transmitted by Zalando must be printed on the carrier labels to ensure successful delivery.
The c/o information is particularly important if the name of the recipient of the parcel is not the same as the name of the customer. This can happen when the customer's name is not printed on the door bell and the parcel is delivered to someone else. This is also important when delivering to a corporate address, not a home address, or any other address where the customer just stays temporarily.
For Connected Retail, this requirement is limited to parameters that lie within the partner’s sphere of control. Since preparation and provision of carrier labels is facilitated by Zalando or an affiliated company, the requirement in relation to carrier labels is limited to their proper usage and printing. Please use only shipping labels provided to you via Connected Retail Tool. Please print the shipping labels on the right format size so that all information is displayed completely and is well readable.
5. Delivery documents must be provided in undamaged, clean and proper condition
Please print the delivery document on the right format size (DIN A4) to ensure that all information is displayed completely. Please ensure high printing quality so that all information is well readable.
6. Call-for-action advertisements must not be included in the parcel
6.1. What does "call-for-action-advertisement" mean?
Call-for-action advertisements refer to any advertisement that attracts Zalando customers to shop at a Zalando partner's online shop. This can include, but is not limited to: sales codes or website link flyers to advertise to customers to buy their articles from the partners directly.
Here are some examples of call-for-action content:
a)Flyers containing discount codes:

b) Content with reward and discount promise:

c) Branded gifts included in Zalando parcels:

7. A notification about any (outbound) carrier related changes must be sent to and approved by Zalando prior to the change becoming effective to enable Zalando to provide a working outbound tracking link to the customer.
For Connected Retail, this order quality requirement is limited to parameters that lie within the partner’s sphere of control. Since generation and provision of tracking links to customers is facilitated by Zalando or an affiliated company, the requirements in relation to tracking links are limited to a timely notification of any carrier related changes on your end.
7.1. What are approved outbound and return carriers? Why should we operate with Zalando approved carriers?
Please find the explanation and check our list of country specific, approved last mile outbound and return carriers here. Please make sure that you are compliant with them by using the shipping and return carrier labels provided to you via the Connected Retail tool.
7.2. What could be the reason the tracking link doesn’t work?
A broken tracking link can be caused by:
-mismatch between the tracking link carrier and the actual outbound carrier (e. g. tracking link is from DHL, actual outbound carrier is UPS)
-invalid / wrong shipping number provided to Zalando
-missing shipping number, i. e. Zalando has not received any shipping number and cannot generate a working tracking link
7.3. If I switch to a new shipping or return carrier, do I need to inform Zalando?
Yes, please inform us via the ZPU contact form and select topic Customer Experience Model and then request type Change of delivery and/or return carrier, so that we can review your request and, in case of granted approval, adjust the carrier change in our system appropriately. If the carrier in our system is not updated, this will result in a mismatch between the tracking link provider and the actual shipping carrier and consequently produce a tracking link issue.
8. A notification about any (return) carrier related changes must be sent to and approved by Zalando prior to the change becoming effective to enable Zalando to provide a correct return label and return tracking number to the customer.
For Connected Retail, this order quality requirement is limited to parameters that lie within the partner’s sphere of control. Since generation and provision of return labels (with the return tracking number on it) is facilitated by Zalando or an affiliated company, your responsibility is limited to a timely notification of any return carrier related changes on your end.
Please refer to chapter 7. for further information.