Ad Manager: Setting up a Consideration campaign

Create a Consideration campaign - step by step

Updated May 10, 2024

Choose any of the campaign creation steps below to get all the information you need to set up a Consideration campaign:

1. Set your Consideration campaign’s duration

To set the duration of your campaign, click on Set Duration as you see in the photo below:

What’s the earliest your campaign can go live?

The earliest go-live date you can get for your campaign will be seven days from the date you submit it for review. That’s because your campaign’s creative (assets and copy) needs to be checked before going live.

To help you get a clearer picture, here’s an example:

 Let’s say that you finish setting up your campaign and submit it for review on March 1st. The earliest go-live date you can choose in this case will be March 9th.

2. Set your Consideration campaign's budget and countries

Top tip for better performance

To ensure your campaign performs well, we recommend allocating 70% of your budget to the Zalando app and 30% to the Zalando website.

To give you an example: if your total budget for Austria is €1.000, then we recommend allocating €700 to the app and €300 to the website.

General instructions

Consideration campaigns allow you to select countries and allocate budgets in the same module. Simply click on Add Countries to get started:

This will open a menu. Select the countries you’d like your campaign to be live in and then click on Apply at the bottom:

On the page that opens, you can set the budget for each country. And you can split this budget between Zalando’s website and app, depending on your strategy. Below you see what this step looks like on ZMS Ad Manager:

3.Select your Consideration campaign's target groups

Your target group options are the same categories that Zalando customers see on the website and app:


The target groups you select will affect the articles you will be able to add later. Your media files need to include and be relevant to all audiences you would like to target.

Targeting multiple groups

Sometimes you might want to target multiple groups with the same campaign. For example, when promoting a unisex collection or promoting maternity and kids articles at the same time.

This is why you have the option to select more than one target group for the same Consideration campaign. Simply click on the groups you want to target and they will be added to your campaign.

4. Adding articles to your Consideration campaign

Custom selection or uploading a .csv file

These are your two main options to add articles to your campaign.

Custom selection allows you to choose articles from the ones you have already saved on ZMS Ad Manager.

Uploading a .csv file gives you more control over how your articles will be shown to Zalando customers when your campaign is live.

How many articles you can add

Starting with the number of articles you can promote, there is a minimum and a maximum limit. The minimum is eight articles and you can add up to 999 articles per campaign.

What Zalando customers see

The first 15 articles of your collection will be shown to Zalando customers in a carousel. 

The order in which you add your articles is important. To have complete control over this order, you can upload a .csv file. Simply make sure that the first 15 articles are organised in the way you’d like customers to see them. Then simply click on Upload .csv file to upload your file.

Don’t have a .csv file?

You can create one in a few steps:

1. Make sure that Custom selection is selected and click Add Articles.

2. On the next page, select the articles you’d like to include in your .csv file. When you’re done selecting, click Add to Campaign.

You can now click Confirm Selection at the bottom right of your screen.

Right after you do that, you will be taken back to the Articles module. Now you can see a list (Article list) of the articles you’ve added. You can make changes to your selection if you need to.

After making sure you’ve included all the articles you want to add to your campaign, click Download List.

Your article list will be automatically downloaded in a .csv format. You can now organise them to make sure that the carousel’s 15 articles will be shown in the order you want.

5. Formatting your Consideration campaign

When setting up a Consideration campaign, you can choose between a Homepage teaser or a Video teaser. Depending on your choice, there are different file format and size requirements to keep in mind.

Homepage teaser file formats and sizes

For the Zalando app and mobile website

For the desktop website

File format: JPEG

Resolution: 2229 x 2145 px

File size: 2 Mbs (maximum)

File format: JPEG

Resolution: 2079 x 1000 px

File size: 2 Mbs (maximum)

Video teaser file formats and sizes

For a poster image

For a video

File format: JPEG

Resolution: 1920 x 1080 px

File size: 2 Mbs (maximum)

File format: MP4

Resolution: 1920 x 1080 px

Maximum length: 60 seconds

6. Adding copy to your Consideration campaign

When to add copy and translations to your Consideration campaign

To make sure that the right languages are included, you need to select Countries for your campaign first.

As soon as you do that, you’ll see that you’ll be able to add your copy across all languages of your campaign.

You can see the character limits for each field under the respective box. This way you can be sure that your copy is in line with Zalando’s creative guidelines.


The text for the CTA button of your campaign is preselected and cannot be customised.