EU ban of fragrance ingredient Lilial / Butylphenyl methylpropional

Any products containing lilial / butylphenyl methylpropional are banned and will continue to be blocked from the Zalando platform.

Since March 1, 2022 there has been an EU-wide ban on the ingredient lilial / butylphenyl methylpropional. 

In light of the ruling issued by the EU Commission’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) on lilial / butylphenyl methylpropional, any cosmetics or liquid/mixtures containing this ingredient will be classed as carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic to reproduction (CMR 1B) and have been banned from March 1, 2022

Since this date, it became illegal for Zalando to carry any products containing lilial, or for any products containing lilial to be onboarded. 

As Zalando continues to grow in EU markets, ensuring the safety of all products for both consumers and the environment is of vital importance.

Chemical compliance is a legal requirement set out in several regulations that apply in the countries we sell in and therefore all Zalando suppliers are required to meet limits set out in our RSL (Restricted Substance List), as communicated in our Quality Assurance manual.

To guarantee chemical product compliance, we regularly conduct random checks on our product range so please be aware that any products that were onboarded to Zalando after March 1, 2022, will be immediately blocked.

If you have any questions regarding the ban or substance, please reach out to

Find out more about the products lilial is used in under Section 3.2: Function and uses