zDirect onboarding: your zDirect status and what it means

Here is a glossary for terms you might encounter while looking at your Business profile in zDirect.

Updated May 8, 2024

This guide familiarises partners with the types of status messages they will see when looking at their Business Profile.

Where will I see these labels?

Under the Business Profile on zDirect, there are three places currently where different status types are shown:

  1. Account details (Business Profile)

  2. Account setup overview

  3. Company or Market approval page

Labels used during onboarding

  • Steps have not yet been completed - OPEN

  • Details not yet sent to Zalando - NOT SUBMITTED

  • Details are being checked - IN REVIEW

  • Details have some issues - REJECTED

  • Details have passed all checks - APPROVED

  • An Onboarding stage to finish - TO BE COMPLETED

  • Partner is preparing to go live - NOT READY

  • Partner has finished all Onboarding stages - COMPLETED