ZEOS One reports and analytics

For partners using ZEOS fulfilment, here you will find an overview of the reporting now available to you in ZEOS One.

Updated July 17, 2024


This feature is only available to our partners using ZEOS fulfillment.

ZEOS fulfilment reporting and analytics feature

The ZEOS fulfilment reporting and analytics feature on ZEOS One provides you with end-to-end visibility on the most important fulfilment metrics across your entire fulfilment cycle. These reports are available on the homepage of ZEOS One.

Benefits of ZEOS One reporting feature

The ZEOS One reporting and analytics feature provides you with:

  • A summary dashboard view with improved data visualisation – clearly showing the KPIs in the desired timeframe

  • Improved user experience

  • Insights into sold items and other order-related information

  • Visibility on first delivery time

  • Reporting on any desired date range in the last six months

  • Filtering of reports by sales channels, country and order status

  • Download function to view and edit your data in CSV files

Overview dashboard 

In the Overview dashboard, you can easily track the overall number of sold items, as well as the status of items: delivered, returned, or cancelled.

At first glance you’ll get an overview of the four KPIs: Total sold items, Return rate, Cancellation rate, and Delivered orders. You'll also find a graph of an increasing or decreasing trend compared to the previous period that is selected by you.

Below the KPI bar, you can see three graphs representing your order-to-deliver performance: Sold items, Returned items, Cancelled items, and Orders delivered on the first delivery attempt. Each of these graphs can be explored in detail by clicking on Show Details.

To change the date range from the default, click on the calendar icon in the upper right hand corner. Here you’ll be able to select any date range or a single date and view the graphs in the desired time frame – all KPI and graph widget data will update instantly. 

You can see graphs and KPI explanations by clicking on the or icon in the KPI bar and beside the title of the graphs. See below:

Report details

When you select Show details on a particular graph, a report page opens from which you can download the detailed report as a CSV file. 

Sold items and Items status reports

By clicking Show details in the upper right hand corner of the Sales performance graph in the dashboard (see image below) you can open the Sold items report. This will show you an itemised list of SKUs and EANs, and track the sales channel and the country in which they were sold, along with the quantity of items sold.

Next to Items Sold, you’ll also be able to navigate to the Items Status report, by selecting the tab Item Status. 

Both reports will show an itemised list of Order IDs (with SKUs and EANs) and all timestamps - from order creation to the order returns for a particular order or item. The tables can be filtered further to see data on sales channel and country level.

The Items Status report allows you to filter by the status of the items, in addition to country and sales channel.

Delivered orders report

When you click on See Details on the Delivered orders graph on the dashboard (see image below) you’ll be able to view your total orders delivered on the first attempt. This report will give you an itemised list of order IDs (with SKUs and EANs), and allow you to check how much time passed between the time an order was placed to when the first delivery attempt was made.

The table can further be filtered to see data at a sales channel and country level.


New data is available every day at 07.00 CET.

The time frame filter on the dashboard immediately affects all KPIs and bar graph widgets on the dashboard.

The trending red or green arrows show an upward or downward trend of the respective KPIs, as compared to the previous selected time frame. For example, if you are viewing data of the last seven days (T-7), the trending figure shows the number of the previous seven days before that (T-7 to T-14).

What are the different order statuses in the Order status filter?

The Order status indicates the lifecycle of the order. The following statuses are available in the dropdown:


What it means


The order has been accepted for fulfillment.


All articles in the order have been shipped from the warehouse or the latest timestamp captured is of an article that has been shipped.


First delivery attempt has been made for all shipments to the customer or the latest timestamp captured is of an article for which a first attempt at delivery was made.


Shipments for all items have been delivered to the customer or the latest timestamp captured is of a delivered article.


All or some items in the order have been cancelled or the latest timestamp captured is of a cancelled article.


All or some items in the order have been returned or the latest timestamp captured is of a returned article.

Any questions or feedback?

If you have any questions, please reach out to us via the contact form. Please select:  Zalando Fulfillment Solutions > General information > General Commercial Question