Ad Manager: Dynamic Sponsored Products explained

This article gives you an insight into how opting for Dynamic Sponsored Products can benefit your Conversion campaign

Updated June 3, 2024

What are Dynamic Sponsored Products?

When creating a Conversion campaign, you have two options to select articles. One of them is Dynamic Sponsored Products.

Select this option when you want to promote the whole assortment of one or more brands that you supply.

If you would rather select articles for your campaign manually, opt for Selected Sponsored products instead.

Which articles can you promote with DSP?

All articles that are part of your brands’ assortments can be included in a Dynamic Sponsored Products campaign.

However, only the articles that meet certain criteria will be picked up by ZMS Ad Manager and shown to customers. Find out how and why below.

Dynamic promotion: how does it work?

To make sure that only articles with the best chance of growing your performance and sales will be promoted, ZMS Ad Manager monitors factors like article performance and availability almost in real time.

Ad Manager then optimises your performance by selecting the best performing articles. These are the articles that will be shown to customers browsing the catalogue pages.